The Warm-Up Blueprint For Lifting

Do you ever feel like…

  • You’re going through the motions at the gym?
  • You have a weak mind-muscle connection?
  • Your joints feel stiff and achy when you train?
  • Certain exercises feel uncomfortable and you struggle to get into GOOD positions?

If your answer is YES to any of the above, then you NEED to do something about it. Otherwise, that hard work and major time investment you’re making will NOT give you the results you deserve.

And that’s why I created this blueprint to warm up for weight training.

I’m both a certified strength & conditioning coach & licensed massage therapist. I understand that your body is in NO FIT STATE to workout when you enter the gym. The modern lifestyle and working environment simply lacks the movement variety needed to let your body move and function well.

Muscles get tight and joints get stiff. If you don’t do something about it, you’re guaranteed to have a crappy workout. Worse still, you’re at a significant risk of injury.

So it’s time to ditch the lacklustre warm up that does nothing but waste time.

I designed this system to get your body in top physical shape - so you can CRUSH the weights, every damn time. And the best part? It takes just 10 minutes. You don’t even have to change your workout in any way. Just slot this in at the start of your session and let the warm up do its thing. It’s a game changer.


Hi, my name is Jack Hanrahan.

I’m a fitness professional based in London with nearly a decade of experience as both a trainer and soft tissue therapist.

I have invested over £100,000 on continued learning. That’s on top of my university studies in physical education and sports science. And I’ve interned with a renowned physiotherapist in Los Angeles. I’ve also taken countless seminars with industry-leading trainers, strength coaches and soft tissue therapists.

My unique skill set has given me opportunities all over the world. I’ve worked with A-list Directors and movie stars for X-Men Apocalypse and Bohemian Rhapsody. I’ve travelled the globe with hedge fund CEOs and successful entrepreneurs. I’ve trained a number of high level athletes too. But most of all, I work with “regular” people like you and me.

I don’t say any of this to impress you or fan my own ego.

I just want to prove how committed I am to furthering my knowledge to help people like YOU. I’ve put the work in to get the right skills.

I always look to understand the human body better so I can provide the best possible service. I’m extremely passionate about fitness and health. And I’m dedicated to make a positive impact on as many lives as I can.


I created this warm up blueprint out of necessity, because there’s nothing like it.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve ran the gauntlet of warm up approaches. From 5 minutes of cardio to lengthy foam rolling and stretching routines.

Certainly, the longer warm ups served me better. It released tension and I felt mentally dialled in to train. But this approach was majorly time consuming and that wasn’t always practical.

If I short-changed my warm up, I would feel ‘off’ and my workout would suffer. You know the feeling. It’s when squats are uncomfortable because your hips feel stiff. When the bench press feels 10kg heavier than it is. When you run out of steam half way through a session and just want it to be over and done with already.

It was a bit of a catch 22 situation.

Not one to compromise, I sought a solution. I pulled together my knowledge as both a body worker and strength coach. I designed a warm up routine that made sense from a physiological standpoint and respected the need for time efficiency.

I already had a very good understanding of the individual components:

  • The most effective self-massage techniques to reduce muscle tension.
  • The best stretches and mobility moves to unlock range of motion.
  • The activation drills that ignite more powerful muscle contractions.

I just needed to combine it all into a system.

After much trial and error with myself and my clients, the warm up system was perfected. There are 4 phases that build upon one another to prepare the body for exercise.

It was more than a system - it was a blueprint.

In fact, I road tested it very recently while working on-set for the Bohemian Rhapsody film. The actors and production staff had very limited time to train. The gym equipment was also less than ideal. Using the warm up blueprint, I was able to quickly pick exercises based on available equipment. It got my clients thoroughly prepared to hit a hard and heavy workout - all in around 10 minutes. It was a very useful and highly effective tool.

I now bring this same system to YOU. This is a tried and tested blueprint to warm up for weights. The ONLY one you’ll ever need.

Your workouts just got upgraded to whole new level.


Your Instructor

Jack Hanrahan
Jack Hanrahan


Jack Hanrahan (CSCS) is a certified trainer, strength coach and soft tissue therapist who has worked with a wide array of clients across the globe, including athletes and actors on films such as X-Men Apocalypse and Bohemian Rhapsody. His no-BS, balanced approach to health and fitness has led him to become one of today’s most trusted voices in the industry. To date, Jack has helped thousands of people through his online courses and social media platforms, promoting a smarter approach to training that improves the way they look, move, and feel.

Jack is a dedicated learner of the latest research and methodologies in sports and exercise science. Since graduating with a B. Sc. in Physical Education, he has gone on to earn certifications through the National Association of Strength and Conditioning, Function Range Systems, StrongFirst, Precision Nutrition, and also holds diplomas in Soft Tissue Therapy and Advanced Neuromuscular Therapy.

His fitness advice has been featured in MensHealth, MensFitness, The Times, Esquire, GQ, Harpers Bazaar, Vogue, and more, and he contributes regularly to Polar’s blog.

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